Shame On You Donnie Blevins!
Last nights Council meeting held yet more grandstanding and finger pointing than it did any actual City business. Lord knows we have major problems to deal with in several areas of City operations, but CM Blevins' tactics last night were shameful.
Yes, most folks agree that the money being poured into the "sewer system" has become ridiculous and way out of hand, but CM Blevins should be careful who he's calling "greedy".
That title is easily awarded to Mayor Garner since he's made no attempt to disguise the fact that he thinks he should be making more money, and he isn't a bit reluctant to ask for it!
But, I digress. Back to the original discussion...
After the now infamous mayoral phone call/meltdown that followed CM Blevins' vote for an investigation into the 2004 audit findings, we are somewhat surprised that Donnie has once again swallowed the hook that Garner has baited.
Not only has CM Blevins swallowed Garner's empty promises (AGAIN) hook, line and sinker, we are convinced that this councilman's votes are compromised due to his status as a city employee.
Even though Donnie has flip-flopped a few times, managing to piss off everyone at one time or another, he always comes swimming back to the mayor's boat where Garner has so many lines in the water that it would be impossible to ever untangle the whole mess of stories and promises. But, Donnie is convinced he must grab onto one of those lines if he plans to continue his career as a city employee.
The former sanitation worker, transfered to the Street Dept. just before privatization of the Sanitation Dept., has been easily 'handled' by Garner and his goons by simply dangling promises of jobs over his head. A situation that doesn't bode well for serving the City's best interests.
So again, we say: "Shame On You CM Blevins" for only being concerned with securing your own job rather than concern yourself with helping save the ratepayers from another huge rate increase for the sewers. And you PROMISED us Donnie. You PROMISED you would NOT vote for a rate increase.
And Shame on you for biting on Garner's line AGAIN! A line saying he will save the Street Department and thus your job, if only you will...
Shame on you Donnie.
You should be asking how in the hell the Street Department has suddenly lost an extra $300K per year, going from a $179K deficit in 2004, to a $463K deficit in 2005, and now a projected $700K deficit for 2006 (thanks FOS), since Garner took office before you are so ready to throw good money after bad. Do you realize that's a 291% increase in the deficit in just 2 years??? How does that happen?
How about asking to have this situation included in the audit investigation? How about asking to see some documentation of how the Street Dept. has suffered such staggering losses the last few years?
Shame on you Donnie for abandoning the best interest of the citizens for another empty promise that won't hold true in the long run. They show those kinds of losses so they have an impossible hole to climb out of, forcing the department into privatization because the city cannot afford to bail out such huge losses.
Shame on you Donnie, for not understanding the bigger picture.
So, we'll leave you with one last piece of advise that we can only hope and pray that you will heed: Be careful. It can get pretty difficult to catch your breath when you get yourself shoved so far up there. And you can bet you WON'T come out smelling like a rose.
Finally, one short mention about the current article on the New Albany Today blog.
Maury acknowledges the obvious political stance taken by the Tribune as illustrated with the example of interviewing the candidate for Sherriff rather than interviewing the current Sherriff as would be accepted practice for thoughts on current issues.
We also agree with the assertion that a sewer rate increase cannot, and should not, be presumed until a lot of questions get answers, and a lot of financial documents are examined.
Thanks Maury for carrying the torch on these issues.
Scribner Place hits financing Snag,
Jak Messer one of Mayor Jimmy's Puppets and a member of the New Albany City Council, described the problem as a "major, major setback." Costs could go up substantially.
With such strong security for it's share of the financing. (Property taxes) New Albany has obtained preliminary commitments for it's bonds at a good interest rate Jimmy says.
Why should you give a shit Jimmy you don't pay property taxes. And your only out for the commission piece of the pie!
Anonymous, at 7:01 AM, July 22, 2006
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM, July 22, 2006
It is my understanding that the Mayor's home is owned by his mother. So she must be the one paying the property taxes.
Grow up Jimmy!
Anonymous, at 10:12 AM, July 22, 2006
Can you imagine what the Tribune headlines will be tomorrow? Garner out cleaning our city up! Another photo-op. Desperate politicians do desperate things. I hear several of the democrats are really mad at Garner.
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM, July 22, 2006
Maybe the Mayor should too!!!
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM, July 22, 2006
But EE -- you weren't at the meetng, were you?
The New Albanian, at 9:38 PM, July 22, 2006
Welcome to our sandbox Mr. Baylor. Did someone hurt your little feelings? Get a life and go back to Germany.
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM, July 22, 2006
There is a good article at NA Unrestricted about the YMCA finaceing mess.
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM, July 22, 2006
Sorry I meant financing.
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, July 22, 2006
Yesterday's Courier Journal article has once again reported that the Scribner Place project has hit a financial "snag".
The same was reported not long ago, in the Courier, when the YMCA was denied the financiang they need to hold up their end of the bargain due to questions about the contract between the City and the "Y" which apparently left the "Y" with too little collateral to support the risk of a $6.5 million loan (pretty sure that's the #, but I'm too tired to look it up/will verify).
YMCA leader, Mr. Joe LaRocca, being the respectable businessman that he is, sees no problem with re-bidding the project, but our City officials are stark raving mad that the timetable has once again gotten out of hand.
They are saying waiting another 6 weeks to start will add costs of up to an additional $1.7 million, and possibly require MORE cutbacks in the amount of work to be done!
Geez, what kind of guarantee contracts are they signing up there anyway???
The whole project has already been hacked away at until it resembles very little of the grand plan former mayor Regina Overton had proposed. Yet the costs are staggering.
After dragging along for 4-5 years before getting to this point, what's the dif with a few more weeks?
Check out Ben's article and let us know what you think.
East Ender, at 6:04 AM, July 23, 2006
I believe there is all kind of loop-holes in this agreement. This was Overtons dream! Dumb ass James is not looking out for us but his slice of the pie. Like the guy at the last Council Meeting told him-your the worst mayor N.A. has ever had. It says it all when "the olde money democrats" says building Scribner Place is a mistake!
And electing James Garner was a mistake. Just ask them.
But again it's the fault of the "little people"...right!
Them dumb bastard progressives know absolutely nothing when it comes to common sense and math.
They say you have to spend money to make money? I guess that will be Scharlows motto when running for mayor. (I guess we need to be concern which party he will run under- Dem. or Rep.)Another wannabe...
First you have to have money to make money. Which the City is broke. Then you have to have sound infrastructure. Which we don't. They filed a bogus sabotage report which is a felony. And James was told by the employees it was a cover-up. James has it investigated and when the officers are told what really happen case close. We only know it was supposely broken into.(another lie)Now does that answer any of your question why the EPA was here!
A 16,000 security system paid from yours and my tax dollars was spent on a plant that has had nothing but pad locks on it for years.(less than $20.00 per lock) And now he waits for the other shoe to drop. He will be lucky to last by the end of the year.
And now he claims he has no idea where his $750.00 car mats are. Is he nutz or what?
Now it's photo-op time. Like he really gives a shit about the trash in this city? Right now he's only thinking about his slice of the pie. Covering his ass and getting re-elected.
Which he is not smart enough to even do any of the above.
Lets see what's on the cover of the Tribune today?
I heard he was praying for rain yesterday. Wonder why?
Ask around if your not aware of these facts!
Anonymous, at 7:02 AM, July 23, 2006
YMCA leader, Mr. Joe LaRocca, being the respectable businessman that he is, sees no problem with re-bidding the project, but our City officials are stark raving mad that the timetable has once again gotten out of hand.
What about the "city officials" plus several on this blog who have claimed that its ok to have another bid, oh who cares that Ceasars is threatening to reneg on their commitment?
You guys really do spin it whichever way will benefit you the most.
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM, July 23, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM, July 23, 2006
Donnie Blevins is more of a leader than you will ever be Ms. Oates, you know when the election is have at it.
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM, July 23, 2006
Ground clutter. Sue city. Ha, Ha, Ha.... ground to New Albany...back to subjects....someone is really worried they aren't going to get on that stormwater board...ground clutter...
Anonymous, at 11:38 PM, July 23, 2006
I don't believe I stated, or even insinuated that I was somehow a better "leader" than Donnie Blevins is.
However, as I recall, Donnie lasted only a short while in a supervisory position while in the Sanitation Dept., and Donnie told me he ASKED to be demoted back to the truck because of the conflicts that ensued regarding his ability to supervise, thus LEAD.
CM Blevins is known to be the Mayor's "boy" because the Mayor is his BOSS. This leads to too many 'deals' made in the hallway at those critical decision making times during Council meetings.
This problem with city employees sitting on the Council goes for CM and Police Officer Jack Messer as well.
Technically, Bev Crump since she is the wife of a Police Officer, and a Real Estate Agent who stands to profit from new developments approved by Council.
East Ender, at 12:56 AM, July 24, 2006
Amen, same thing promised here. Need a copy of this posting and I am going to mail it to Mr. Blevins, with my signature.
Does he think we are blind and didn't see what happened at the last Council meeting? Who are they kidding? Not me, that's for sure. Sorry Donny, we don't tolerate liars very well. Sorry you believed your enemies over your friends. Take care now, you hear?
Anonymous, at 2:39 AM, July 24, 2006
Possibly if the city would pay our Mayor a living wage we could get someone to run for office that was qualified.
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM, July 24, 2006
We have a candidate who can not be bought, controlled, used by either party. And who will work for the good of "all the citizens" of New Albany. Regardless of who you know, how much money you make.
And which party you belong to.
The good ole boys days are numbered. We have a candidate who will clean up this mess and make things fair, right, and equal for all!
And most of all who has no personal agenda. And sure doesn't need the money!
There is hope out here "little people" of New Albany.
We have someone who loves New Albany as much as most of us do.
We will end this corruption, and mismanagement. And take our city back!
And our candidate has the guts, determination, knowledge, courage, and real brains and excellent Leadership qualities to make positive changes for all the citizens of New Albany.
See you in Jan. 2007
Anonymous, at 6:44 AM, July 24, 2006
I would like to ask Roger, Randy and all the so called progressives a question.
Why did John Gonder and Ruthanne Wolfe purchase the building in Louisville and not buy a building in downtown New Albany?
Their actions speak volumes to all the citizens of New Albany!
John Gonder should have put his money where his mouth is.
Talk about a phony and nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Check out article in CJ- Under Arts!
These "progressive idiots" talk a good game but again there all talk!
Anonymous, at 7:07 AM, July 24, 2006
"The risk is on us, but we're not supposed to have a voice in the matter. If the project flops the PP’s can walk away financially unscathed (unlike John & Ruthanne), and look for the next ‘definitely will save New Albany’ panacea in which, once again, to invest your money. No accountability."
It is a shame. You write so well. It is obvious that you are educated and know how to think. Then you fall right back into the Rove drivel.
Question, how do the "PP's" walk away anymore "financially unscathed" than you or any other property owner in NA? It's their money too. Come on, you are much better than this.
Iamhoosier, at 9:39 AM, July 24, 2006
"Technically, Bev Crump since she is the wife of a Police Officer, and a Real Estate Agent who stands to profit from new developments approved by Council."
By this logic, so does rental property owner Steve Price from the ongoing absence of inspections.
The New Albanian, at 9:52 AM, July 24, 2006
The climate for private investment in the city of Louisville does not exist in a vacuum. The city is investing, too -- and if I'm not mistaken, this means that all the people in Louisville who pay taxes are participating in the public investment that is partnering with the private.
The New Albanian, at 9:56 AM, July 24, 2006
New Albanian,
Too bad "rental inspection program" was under Overton when Price wasn't even in office.
Do I feel Price would stand in the way of any legislation like that. No, I don't. But, at the same time, your boy the Mayor sure isn't going to let that issue hit the floor, because he saw what happened under Overton when it hit the floor.
Are you simply jealous you don't have rental property for that income? Gee..... Go have another one, oh wait -- it's not noon yet.
We feel the financing for the whole deal came undone a long time ago when WE SCREWED UP OUR FINANCIALS. It might not even have anything to do with the Y locally. Maybe they read how bad we are with "cooking" the books and their national organization doesn't want to be involved now.
Could that possibly be?
Like someone said, we'll probably never know -- but it surely wasn't Price's fault for what's is going on. Give us a break, will you? Thank you.
Anonymous, at 10:11 AM, July 24, 2006
I have to give a hearty AMEN to that one!
In fact, I believe CM Price would be willing to sponsor a resolution for rental inspections if the mayor and others would get their act together and draw one up.
It's ridiculous to try to lump Steve Price into the same group of 'city employee' CM's.
Why? Because if they do..., then he might...?!
In the words of Mark, aka iamhoosier; Come on Roger, you're better than this.
By the way Mark, I think blogtastic's point is that the PP's want to make decisions and investments, not with their OWN money, but with Taxpayer's money, and still treat it as though it was their project and money.
The rest of us are 'co-investors' as taxpayers. Thus, we have a right to question the soundness of this decision, and this HUGE, one-shot investment into POSSIBLE downtown revitalization.
Call us what they will, we are the ones trying to save our downtown. Word is, this Scribner Place deal has gone bad for reasons OTHER than what we are reading in the papers (no surprise).
I would bet that if the City bowed out, the YMCA would, and could, go forward with their facility.
Let's see, what else might $16 million buy us as a community?
East Ender, at 3:08 PM, July 24, 2006
so by the same reasoning as this isn't Price's fault, since he's relatively "new", how in the world could so much of this be the mayor's fault?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming or defending either one entirely.
Remember what my councilman tells me so much, they "only" control the purse strings...
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM, July 24, 2006
In fact, I believe CM Price would be willing to sponsor a resolution for rental inspections if the mayor and others would get their act together and draw one up.
There's absolutely nothing stopping CM Price from introducing his own rental inspection resolution. He has ample examples from across the state and country to draw from and easy access to taxpayer funded legal counsel to help him with appropriate language.
While I agree that somebody/anybody should do it, blaming the Mayor or anyone else for Price's failure in that area is just plain silly.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:39 PM, July 24, 2006
Have you all forgotten James sat on the Council for four years! He knew the mess the city was in. You have 6 Councilman who play in James sandbox. What James can't get he takes!
Give us a break
he's one hell of a liar.
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM, July 24, 2006
He is attempting to drive a wedge between, for lack of a better word, classes.
"Risking YOUR money." It is OUR money, theirs too. Mine too, if you prefer.(not sure where you are classifing me this week but glad your remembered my name-that's progress). If it fails their(my) taxes will go up also.
Exactly who said you are not allowed a voice in the matter? We all have council members. The majority seemed to have voted for it. Or was I misinformed by Roger, Kojak and the Tribune. Almost forgot, and Ben. I believe some of you even spoke at the council meetings. Again, I may have been misinformed. Who is not allowing a dissenting voice?
It really is a moot point anyway if you think about. Most of the money for Scribner place is not yours, mine, theirs, or ours. It is the GAMBLERS money. Or was.
Iamhoosier, at 3:54 PM, July 24, 2006
Before anyone "picks" I already see at least two spelling errors in my post. Sorry.
Iamhoosier, at 3:59 PM, July 24, 2006
Hey buddha on wheels,
You must of got struck by lightning riding down Spring St. What's your real problem with Steve Price?
You must of hit to many pot holes coming from Richo's.
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM, July 24, 2006
Wow...even a progressive calls Randy Smith "kojak". Who ever came up with that name deserves a street named after them.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, July 24, 2006
Hey, I even call myself the "old bald headed man". Although not quite as bald as Randy. Several years ago I called Roger a capitalist and I thought he was going to ban me.
I am not much into "name calling". Usually about myself or someone considered a friend. I figured Kojak would catch someone's eye. I was pretty sure logic wouldn't.
Iamhoosier, at 4:41 PM, July 24, 2006
anon 3:27 -
Where in the world did you get:
"This isn't CM Price's fault since he is relatively new" ??
It amazes me how some folks can come up with something so vastly different than what was actually said.
Anyway, if you're looking for who is at "fault" on the issue of rental inspections, that falls squarely on the Building Commissioner's desk.
However, since Garner has been unable to fill the desk chair with anyone who is actually qualified and capable, the "fault" now rests squarely on his shoulders.
CM Price, on the other hand, has been very involved with all the neighborhoods, responsive to all citizens, and shares the concerns about irresponsible rental property owners. He adamantly supports the need for inspections and accountability.
Writing the resolution is not the problem with this issue. It's the stonewalling encountered by the politicians who recieve campaign contributions from landlords and developers.
Remember the trouble we had getting the Ordinance Enforcement resolution passed?
Garner pocket-vetoed that resolution, and we can all see how well his version of enforcement has worked out. Pam Badger's hands are tied when it comes to addressing the most significant problems.
East Ender, at 4:51 PM, July 24, 2006
I thought this was not a political blog. Sure sounded like a nice campaign ad for the councilman. You left out that he is against harming children and likes apple pie.
If he is as good as you say he is, I would have a hard time thinking of someone more qualified to write it. He has council experience. Has first hand knowledge as an owner of rental property. I would also assume, since you are so high on him, that he has never taken a campaign contribution from a developer and/or landlord. Sounds perfect to me.
Iamhoosier, at 5:15 PM, July 24, 2006
But it's always noon somewhere ... and I suspect even blogtastic can agree with me on that.
The New Albanian, at 5:38 PM, July 24, 2006
Mark, it's the attitude we get for raising our dissenting voices to be heard.
We are constantly told to shut up, that we don't know what we're talking about, that we are against any progress for the city, we are obstructionists and we have no forward vision.
The name calling, you know them all, so prolific over at the NAC Mayor's blog is vicious, demeaning, oppressive, and downright childish.
Mostly however, the end result, and intended effect, is suppressing dissenting voices by means of intimidation.
It's flagrant and it's hateful.
East Ender, at 5:46 PM, July 24, 2006
Ya want to turn the issues around from what was posted here and what is being posted? Let's do it. IAMHOOSIER, you want a political blog -- fine, I am ready to get started. Been fishing awhile, but ready to get back to work now.
Get back to Blevins, the infra-structure, the PP's not spending their hard earned dollars here because they just may get more of a return on their investment here (duh). More power to 'em.
THE MAYOR would not, will not, CAN NOT AFFORD to even let this Council consider a rental-inspection program. The posting regarding the "little money trees" speaks volumes as to what is really going on, and who is involved.
Think I'll update my little "political blog" tonight. Really didn't think it was time to take the gloves off, but hey -- let's go.
Back to Blevins, the Mayor, and other matters of interest.
Thanks for the space EastEnder. Appreciate it, and I second that AMEN.
A Democrat in Floyd County, at 5:57 PM, July 24, 2006
you can dish it out but you can't take it....oooops uh?
Even Blogtastic would agree!
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM, July 24, 2006
Laura, would you say the attitude towards the "Progressives" is any better over here? ( i hate all these so called names and titles)
I have seen just as much hate and frustration coming from here as I have from over there.
I started on the blogs almost a year ago. NAC and SOLNA were bickering then. From all appearances this is a chicken and egg debate. You called me a name first, no I didn't, you did,etc.
I don't agree much with the trog, etc name calling from NAC. You don't see me use it. I don't agree with the double standards that I see on SOLNA.
So where does it stop?
Iamhoosier, at 6:38 PM, July 24, 2006
A demo,
When someone posts comments negative, or perceived negative, about a "friend" of SOLNA we see reminders that this is not a political blog(ee's words). Personal attacks are not allowed nor is "bad" language. "Dumbass James" and "them dumb bastard progressives", I guess they don't qualify because you agree with them. These are some of the double standards that I see here.
Again, I was only repeating what was posted by EE about this not being a political blog.
I ask you the same question, where does it stop?
Iamhoosier, at 6:48 PM, July 24, 2006
Again what bothers you is anonymous. If you don't like the comments move on and jump back to "buddha's blog" We are the citizens of New Albany, and we have opinions. We work hard and play by the rules. And were sick and tired of paying for Jimmy's mistakes. You don't agree so be it. But we have a right to be mad as hell!
We are the little people and by God we are not going down without a fight!
How you can sit and agree is totally mind boggling! But don't come over and tell us little people what we are suppose to say or think. By God this is our town to!
A proud to be called one of the little people!
Anonymous, at 7:47 PM, July 24, 2006
I totally agree. It's about time we take our city back.
Proud family of little people
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM, July 24, 2006
BY GOD!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 9:26 PM, July 24, 2006
I've said it elsewhere,including my own blog, and I'll repeat it here. It matters not from whom a revised building code/rental inspection ordinance comes.
What does matter is that it has some teeth in it, that tere is in place a well staffed law department to prosecute the offenders, and the will (political and otherwise) to enforce it.
In order for it to be adopted is going to require a strong, cohesive show of support from us as citizens. If we fail to do so, then we deserve what we've got now (trash, slums, rats & the rest)!
Highwayman, at 9:50 PM, July 24, 2006
No! I can't spell either, so THERE!
Highwayman, at 9:51 PM, July 24, 2006
Were sick and tired of you attacking the little people newalbanian. You don't have all the answers.
Who are you to judge the good citizens of New Albany?
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM, July 24, 2006
new name for solna, speak out losers of new albany
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM, July 24, 2006
little people -
I will say it for him this time:
iamhoosier has NO PROBLEM with anonymity. His only problem is with alledged FALSE identities.
He has never attacked anyone for being anonymous, and he understands and accepts the practice.
Now, have we got that straightened out?
Back to business...
My accolades for CM Price are not part of any campaign. That's just me being pleased with my Councilman. He deserves a nod every now and then for all his hard work.
He ALWAYS returns calls and is involved and in touch with the neighborhoods.
Things most CM's can't claim.
Highwayman makes some really good points about rental inspections.
We can't get them to walk the overdue sewer bills to another floor for collections, let alone get the players in place to handle "Rental Court".
East Ender, at 12:09 AM, July 25, 2006
Thank you. I also understand and accept your "alleged" usage. As I like to say, fair enough.
Iamhoosier, at 8:30 AM, July 25, 2006
Thanks for responding.
How do you(personally)judge what projects should be funded by government? What about industrial parks?
As for as voting, I also vote for the person, not the party. I am not sure how you took my Rove comment and turned it into who you vote for.
Iamhoosier, at 8:44 AM, July 25, 2006
Donnie's only trying to protect his job! Wouldn't you do the same?
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM, July 25, 2006
Some links for recommended further reading on various issues:
Political blog
A Fiscally Conservative Floyd County Democrat
Maury's blog
New Albany Today
Blogtastic's blog
N.A. Unrestricted
East Ender, at 6:58 PM, July 25, 2006
Donnie is simply believing something that just isn't going to happen. If he really believes James Garner is not going to privitize that Street Department, he is in for a rude awakening. But then again, he was able to move on from Sanitation when a supposedly "Democrat" Mayor busted that Union, so, maybe he'll be the new President of Stormwater. What other positions are open this Administration can promise him.
He better get the wool off of his eyes, but that would just be my opinion. Sue away.
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM, July 25, 2006
Anonymous, at 7:16 AM, July 26, 2006
Freedom of Speech has a great article today. Like someone said, "A picture is worth a thousand words".
Keep up the good work FOS and keep telling it like it is.
A loyal reader
Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, July 26, 2006
I agree that Donnie Blevins is trying to protect his job. But he has two jobs. His regular job on the Street Dept. and his job as a New Albany City Councilman.
The people of New Albany elected him to that position and he needs to remember that. I am sorry that he is in a bind but he still needs to do his Council job as well.
The Council will be having budget meetings and Mr. Blevins needs to keep the entire budget in mind, not just his dept.
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM, July 26, 2006
HEY FOS--it is--OF the people, by the people, and for the people. Gettysburg Address
Anonymous, at 11:35 AM, July 26, 2006
FOS, good article. Budget hearings are tonight and tomorrow night, 3rd floor, from 6 pm to 8 pm. Our financial consultants, Umbaugh & Associates, are to be in attendance tonight to talk w/ Council, also. Press told me Umbaugh speaks at 7:30 or 7:45; a member of Council told me 8:30.
I'd advise everyone we may want to eat supper or bring it with us tonight!
And Donnie, you had a cell phone, you had a take home car, blah, blah, blah. You helped contribute to your own problems as far as I can tell. Please worry about everything, and not just your department. Practice what you preach.
Anonymous, at 12:05 PM, July 26, 2006
Shirley, you make a very good point.
Is it OK if I agree with you occasionally?(smile)
Iamhoosier, at 12:10 PM, July 26, 2006
I just saw the new article on Freedom of Speech.
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM, July 26, 2006
It's fine with me if we agree, just don't make a habit of it. I would hate for you to lose your membership in the Progressive Club.
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM, July 26, 2006
Erik, I don't care if you're real or not you rock, baby
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM, July 26, 2006
I hope professor erik had the city of new albany's permission to use that photo since it was taken from the city's web site. I assume he/she would, a professor of political science would know about copyright laws, RIGHT!
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, July 26, 2006
one correction that picture that the prof. posted was on the city's previous web site which implies a long term plan to use that photo for political purposes, tell us doc are you running for Mayor?
Anonymous, at 3:31 PM, July 26, 2006
Me thinks you need to study "public domain" law. Anytime software is bought with taxpayers monies and enters the public arena, it belongs to the taxpayer.
That word again would be PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM, July 26, 2006
Very good article and information at Freedom of Speech
Sorry they were forgotten on the first list of links.
They are doing a great job of bringing vital information out into the public sphere.
We thank them for their work.
East Ender, at 3:54 PM, July 26, 2006
Copyright infringement occurs whenever copyrighted material is transferred to or from a website without authorization from the copyright owner. Transferring information to and from a website can be done in a few ways. A user can take information from a website by copying or downloading. Or, material can be placed (sometimes called "uploaded" or "posted") from a user's computer onto the website. Any time copyrighted information is transferred to or from a website without authorization from the owner, the owner may have a copyright infringement claim against the copier, the website or both.
Source: Stanford University Law Library
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM, July 26, 2006
Geez, then I guess we've got one hell of a lawsuit against NAC.
East Ender, at 5:03 PM, July 26, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, July 26, 2006
Heard Mayor Garner is rattled over FOS. Looks the ole mayor is taken a beaten and still tick'n.
Great job
Erik and FOS gang
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, July 26, 2006
God Bless you Erik and Freedom of Speech. God has given you courage to speak up for us taxpayers.
Thank You all
And God bless you.
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM, July 26, 2006
Keep up the good work FOS.
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, July 26, 2006
Freedom of Speech sure takes alot of heat for what they feel. But they need to know they are writing exactly how me and others feel. Don't let the Mayor get away with this.
Keep kich'n ass
Freedom of Speech
Anonymous, at 11:49 PM, July 26, 2006
Yeah, our own college professor of Political Science is right on the ball. Butchers part of one the most famous speeches in US history.
Beyond that, I am surprised no one has commented on his posting on the police cars. Go read his point #2. He seems to think that police cars are just bought off the showroom floor. Police cars are built to a different spec than regular passenger cars.
I decided a couple days ago to email this info to him instead of posting it publicly on the chance that he was unaware of this. There has been no change in his insinuation that the Chief was lying. Does Erick also believe that NASCAR cars are really stock and that wrasslin' is for real?
As someone asked me here the other day, how you can still believe this alleged professor is unbelievable.
Iamhoosier, at 8:39 AM, July 27, 2006
As Oprah says: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it is a duck!
No doubt you will say it's a goose!
Great job
Freedom of Speech
You got our families support
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM, July 27, 2006
Your full of shit about the police cars. When did you become an expert. My brother is an officer and that is a lie.
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM, July 27, 2006
Somebody is full of it and ain't me.
Iamhoosier, at 8:50 AM, July 28, 2006
Is the Chief trying to convince us that local dealers won't sell us 2006 Luminas?
Let's hope so. Chevy hasn't produced a Lumina since 2001.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 10:14 AM, July 28, 2006
Not to mention that our Chevy dealer moved to Clarksville.
Also, check out the following site.
Iamhoosier, at 10:18 AM, July 28, 2006
What happen to Coyle Chevrolet on Spring?
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM, July 29, 2006
Way to keep up Anon 9:32. They moved to Clarksville over 2 years ago.
Iamhoosier, at 9:44 AM, July 31, 2006
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