When It Rains It Pours....
We hope everyone is safe...and dry in spite of the torrential rains we have experienced these last 2 days, and we are hopeful that those who have suffered property damage will soon have their losses recovered.
We are also hopeful that stormwater drainage problems around the city, revealed again by this event, will be dealt with appropriately and quickly. After all, the city is already collecting quite a bit of money to do just that. With the recently imposed "Stormwater" fees, in addition to "drainage" fees we were already paying, and the always increasing "sewer" rates, there should be no excuses (other than "bad management") for continuing inadequate or poor drainage.
Of course, we also contend that after approximately $80 million has been poured into our sewage system, and a 90% increase in rates over the past 6 years, there should be no room for excuses when it comes to overflows and bypasses with as little as 2" of rain, yet both are still occurring. However, it does appear that the "excuses" are wearing a bit thin when it comes to the officials at the EPA since they are now requiring photographic proof of the problems being reported as the causes of such failures.
Apparently the EPA's dissatisfaction with New Albany's progress is high enough that the portion of sewer credits slated for release at the beginning of September were ultimately denied. That's right folks. The highly touted "plan" for earning the release of additional sewer credits has failed. Funny how this piece of news seems to have slipped under the local radar and has gone largely unnoticed, or at least un-mentioned. It remains to be seen how they intend to address the issue of potential economic development for the Downtown district without sewer credits. We are even more interested to hear how they plan to issue enough credits to support the Scribner Place project. Unless they've been holding credits in reserve, this new wrinkle could threaten the entire project.
Meanwhile, the City Council has given final approval to the next budget of $16.1 million which, interestingly, includes quite a few raises despite the many fiscal crisis' the city has faced recently. While we don't want to begrudge anyone a livable wage, a suggested 33% increase for one particular employee has been perceived as a bit excessive. We also find it rather obnoxious that some others are receiving a raise when they have done nothing with their work to warrant any such type of 'reward' (ie: a non-functional Building Commissioner). Then again, should we still be getting surprised by the audacity of this administration to put personal gain over the good of the community at large? The apparent answer is a resounding "NO". Indeed, we have almost come to expect it.
What else should we be expecting?
We would like to suggest that the least we should be expecting is some accountability from those who are supposed to be in charge (why do we pay T. Toran?), and perhaps a little honest effort expended towards reigning in some exorbitant costs, such as the outrageous cell phone costs incurred by the Parks Dept., which would go a long way towards regaining some of the public trust.
Apart from these two basic expectations from our City officials, we would like for you folks to tell us what you think.
Finally, we have just a couple of things we want to say regarding the new "arrangement" the city has made with the YMCA to finance the Scribner Place project. Namely, the decision to provide financing via the Redevelopment Commission. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to CM Steve Price for standing his ground on this one by casting a "NO" vote, as he was standing our ground as well.
THANKS STEVE!!! Your dedication to fiscal responsibility is appreciated and noted.
First, we find it extremely troubling that the city has embarked on a path that unites church and state rather than keeping with accepted practices of keeping the two very, very separate from one another. For those in our community who have alternate faith beliefs, this is nothing short of a slap in the face. Taxpayers should never be forced to contribute to a faith based organization, and that's exactly what this financing deal amounts to.
Secondly, the cost of this Scribner Place project places our city well beyond our constitutional debt limits, yet they have managed to take away any possibility of a remonstrance by the taxpayers who object to this force fed "investment" into the Downtown area.
The only thing that abates our frustration is the realization that these decisions have almost certainly sealed the fate of James Garner as a one-termer. He has displayed, over and over again, a blatant disregard for propriety and a complete lack of concern for the lower economic class of voters. 'Nuff said.
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM, September 24, 2006
You notice the newspaper never mentioned anything about over flows and etc? Thanks to Councilman Bill & Anna Schmidt for helping several of the families who were flooded out. Not only in there area but other areas as well.
God Bless this Councilman and his wife.
Anonymous, at 4:52 PM, September 24, 2006
When did Indiana law allow a husband and wife to serve as Councilman??? Councilman Bill & Anna Schmidt???!!!???
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM, September 25, 2006
Come on anon 9:59 you know they meant Councilman Schmidt and his wife Anna, it's only grammar.
The point is, these two wonderful people helped others as they always do.
What were YOU doing to help your neighors 9:59?
Anonymous, at 10:15 AM, September 25, 2006
To 4:52:
You notice the newspaper ran a big picture and front-page stories about the flooding? Moron.
Anonymous, at 12:59 PM, September 25, 2006
I guess it's Garner's fault that it rained so much, right?
It must be Garner's fault that they closed I-64 in Louisville too, right?
If only Garner knew how much power he has. The things he could do.
You bunch of friggin' crybabies.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM, September 25, 2006
I found it very disturbing that people seem to take this article so lightly.
Of course no one is blaming Garner for the rain. If he can make it rain we need to send him to the Sudan.
What bothers me is the fees we are paying for the sewers, stormwater, etc. without the level of service these increases merit. As Laura said, we have been hit with a huge increase in our water/sewer bill but nothing seems to be done. And now our sewer credits are in danger of being withheld. I cannot understand why so few seem to care.
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM, September 25, 2006
I heard several homes flooded in Coffey's area. And I heard he done nothing? Please no own blame the down pours with an act of God! Maybe if we hadn't of spent over $80 million everything should have been working correctly.
Maybe god is telling New Albany we need to fix our sewers?
Since so many progressives along with James says were well on our way of completion?
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM, September 25, 2006
Shirley, I must say I agree wholeheartedly with your statement. One has to wonder how bad things would have to get before folks are finally ready to step up and take action.
Our collective pockets are being picked by an administration that seizes every opportunity to create more fees. Yet, we are seeing so little in the way of returns on those dollars.
What's worse is that there are millions of dollars being kept out of the general fund due to the creation of too many TIF districts and granting too many tax abatements.
Both of these "tools" have been horribly over used and poorly managed. The result is staggering losses of revenue and thus, the need to increase fees and rates.
We have every right to expect good management of these economic development "tools", and that means good decision making.
Unfortunately, that's not what we've been getting.
East Ender, at 3:07 AM, September 26, 2006
Anyone know what Vickie's talking about at FOS when she refers to a "perf?"
Maybe Anna garbled the transmission.
The New Albanian, at 8:49 AM, September 26, 2006
I don't read the impostor blog site(FOS)on a regular basis but did find the posting on Linden Meadows interesting.
Iamhoosier would like to ask Erik why just the names of Mr. Baylor, Mr. Wimp, and Mr. Fullmore were mentioned. I believe at least one more important name was left out--Ms. Oates. Did Erik forget that East Ender also supports this project?
Iamhoosier, at 9:16 AM, September 26, 2006
PERF = something something Retirement Fund.
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM, September 26, 2006
Read the front page of the CJ today (down on the right hand side of the paper) about what else is starting all municipalities (Federal, State, County, and City) and how they mention bankruptcy and how they mention credit ratings. Extremely interesting article.
We heard Linden Meadows took a big hit. We heard about Players Place. We heard Reno & Silver even had a house's foundation knocked out from under it. We are still not sure this beats the 1997 rains. It was definitely a "10 year rain" and certain politicos say there were plenty of sewage overflows; but the plant didn't bypass. Hmmmmmm. Well, if the sewage flowed out of all of the manholes and into Joe Kraft Park and Elmwood St was forced out and Cherry Valley was under -- hmmmmmm.
Later, New Albany. Welcome back, EE.
Anonymous, at 11:57 PM, September 26, 2006
Seeing FOS is an ex-county employee and had the "PERF"; maybe she didn't get her info from anyone but herself. Nuf said.
Anonymous, at 2:32 AM, September 27, 2006
After reading and hearing about Louisville's MSD stepping up and offering $500 to those who have suffered damage due to the flood waters, it was disheartening to read Garner's words of retreat.
"There can't be a claim against the city for an act of God."
What a callous and cold hearted thing to say. A cop-out.
He couldn't even muster up one word of sympathy or caring for the victims of the storm?! Only what folks can't expect.
Thanks to Garner there's no money left in the "Rainy Day Fund". Wouldn't that have come in real handy?
Alas, he raided it a long time ago to shore up the General Fund (re:TIF's and tax abatements).
If the paper was accurate, there were only about 100 households flooded, and they could have been helped with something without breaking the bank.
We're real curious to find out if they plan to replenish that Rainy Day Fund in the new budget.
Or, will the raises be taking precedent over any funds that might help in situations such as this?
East Ender, at 4:26 AM, September 27, 2006
P.S. Thanks for the "Welcome back(s)".
East Ender, at 4:56 AM, September 27, 2006
If anyone knows anything about city or county employees they know that these people receive comp time, personal days, sick days, holidays, and longevity pay.
For your information Anon. 2:32 longevity is a perk. Why don't you ask your buddies Mayor James Garner or former Mayor Doug England?
The people in the city of New Albany are more concerned about getting the truth and the facts. Freedom of Speech does a good job of reporting the truth and backing it up with the facts.
Sounds to me like you have a vendetta and a personal agenda. Get over yourself and start worrying about your own business instead of sticking your nose into other peoples' business.
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM, September 27, 2006
Our family is adopting a new attitude, we do believe. No more D's for Democrat, no more R's for Republicans, no more L's for Liberterians, no more I's for Independents - simply an A - A for ACCOUNTABILITY, no matter what party they stand for.
This writing was published in "The Nation, October 9, 2006" edition.
To us, it aptly describes what is not going on downtown and this would be the line below about "the three kinds of people".
Our cat, who's over nineteen, likes to sleep on the massed softness of a pile of shirts, two, three, four, flung on the floor but soon to be gathered up and taken to the laundry, where the proprietess gives out brief but mordant bulletins about her teenage girls.
"Boys easier. You're lucky. My daughter very bad", she barks one day. The next week things are worse. "Too much trouble with my younger daughter. She tell me we are not in China now, she can do what she want. I'm very tired." Next week: "We have a saying: there are three kinds of people. First kind know right thing to do and do it without being told. Second kind not know but will do if someone tell them. Third kind: even if you tell them, nothing!"
She takes the wad of fading rainbow shirts I push across the counter toward here, shoots back this week's clean ones, wrapped in crisp brown paper, soon to go soft and pungent in their turn.
By: Rachel Hadas
Isn't it the truth? All three of those kinds of people are wrapped up in the leadership of this City. These are simply our opinions.
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM, September 27, 2006
"start worrying about your own business and stop sticking your nose in other peoples' businesses"?
dish it out but can't take it? ALL YOU PEOPLE DO is stick your noses in other peoples' businesses.
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM, September 27, 2006
I truly think some of you folks need to get a job! If you loved New Albany like alot of us do, then maybe we could get alot done.
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM, September 27, 2006
Oh, giving flood victims taxpayer dollars is a wonderful idea. Talk a about a breach of fiduciary duty!!!
First, you complain about taxes and fees increases, then out of the other side of your mouth you want to give money away.
While were at it, why don’t we set up a fund for tornado victims. Ooops, don’t forget about earthquake victims (if you didn’t know it, the New Madrid fault is just raring to go). Wait a minute, what about hail storm victims, let’s not forget them. Better get landslide victim money set aside, just in case the Knobs slide down onto the city.
What about all the people who have suffered because of high gasoline prices? Shouldn’t they be helped too?
If the Mayor had dipped into city coffers, you, Erik, the Gang of Four, and every other “anti-everything” person would have made a beeline to the city-county building and staged a protest and probably demanded that the Mayor be impeached.
Talk to people you know who were affected by hurricanes Andrew, Katrina, Wilma, Rita, Camille, Hugo, etc., and ask them how much money they received from their municipal government. Everyone I know received the same amount - ZERO!
First you want subsidized sewer service and now free money to victims of a natural disaster. Sounds to me like you are trying to set up a welfare state.
Anonymous, at 11:52 PM, September 27, 2006
IRS, you're giving 'em way too much credit. There's no plan, just anger -- coming from a bunch of middle class white homeowners who feel like they're not getting what they're entitled to..
Anonymous, at 9:06 AM, September 28, 2006
Ya got to love it. The very people who will not allow anonymous postings are their blogs love to come over here and post anonymously.
Anonymous, at 10:02 AM, September 28, 2006
I am not Roger or anyone associated with his blog.
But, "I am Spartacus!"
Anonymous, at 1:13 PM, September 28, 2006
Very well said Blogtastic on both points.
It is hard for a person who has never had to live paycheck to paycheck to understand how it is.
Glad that you and your family volunteer at St. Mary's.
As far as FOS I could not agree more. The information is all public knowlege but who has the time to do the research? I am glad that these good people keep us informed.
Anonymous, at 2:47 PM, September 28, 2006
Speaking for myself, the posting of documents and ordinances is a good service that Erik provides. I have posted positively about this previously.
It is the analysis and the commentary that is so poor and, at times, so wrong. Also, Erik likes to make commentary by asking a question and then allows no way to answer.
Did I mention the lie about being a college professor of Political Science?
Iamhoosier, at 6:35 PM, September 28, 2006
Iamhoosier can you prove that?
Anonymous, at 8:09 PM, September 28, 2006
FOS is Vickie Denhart.
She is neither Erik, nor a professor.
See -- I proved it.
The New Albanian, at 8:50 PM, September 28, 2006
The first amendment of the constitution guarantees all citizens the Freedom to speak, whether to criticize our local government or whatever the individual feels he or she needs to express.
Unfortunately, it is a right too few blogs take advantage of and/or are too fearful or lazy to speak our minds.
Unlike the group of citizens at Freedom of Speech.
Yet when the City without any permission from you, assesses you hundreds, if not thousands in extra assessments, taxes or additional fees, there is little said in opposition, except for those few real concerned people in NA who is going up against local govt.
Freedom of Speech blog is not afraid to tell our mayor what to do with their money.
We need to wonder who will follow along with every hair-brained plan the city comes up with to stay afloat?
Perhaps it is some of these reasons for Freedom of Speech blog?
So wake up! It is all about your/our money.
Anonymous, at 8:53 PM, September 28, 2006
so funny
Anonymous, at 9:13 PM, September 28, 2006
See--I proved it.
You proved what? Nothing but scuttlebutt gossip hearsay.
Anonymous, at 4:31 AM, September 29, 2006
know-it-all; (roger)
One who knows everything; hence, a person who makes pretension to great knowledge, especially one whose didactic conversational habit conspicuously reveals his belief that he has superior knowledge on many subjects.
Where's waldo?
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM, September 29, 2006
Waldo's staying at the Admiral Bicknell Inn as a guest of she who supports Vickie's slander blog.
Yep, proved it again.
Ms. Baird, are you still a part of the mock professorial endeavor?
People here say the truth's important, and if this is true, then let's have the truth about FOS.
Otherwise, the diagnosis is hypocrisy.
The New Albanian, at 8:32 AM, September 29, 2006
new albanian,
You need to check your sources ie. your friend Ann Streckfus and Yvonne Kersey before making statements that you cannot back up.
You have proved nothing. Does the word "slander" mean anything to you?
Have you read FOS this morning? You should, you might even learn something.
Anonymous, at 9:23 AM, September 29, 2006
Odd conclusion. I'm merely positing the patently obvious, with no need of "sources" to speculate.
However, it is funny that an anonymous comment raises the possibility of slander on the part on someone with the basic decency to be who he is.
Anonymous, me thinks you're a coward.
Oops, that might be slander. I've always been prejudiced against the unknowns among us.
The New Albanian, at 9:33 AM, September 29, 2006
a reader of fos:
No one has slandered anyone on this blog. Learn the definition of slander before you start slinging the word around.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM, September 29, 2006
Mr. Baylor,
What hipocrisy! You are the one who used the word slander when referring to "Vickie's" blog whatever that means.
Perhaps I should have referred to you as DOCTOR Baylor since you are now diagnosing words.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM, September 29, 2006
irs agent
You should have directed that statement to the new albanian. See my comment above.
Anonymous, at 10:38 AM, September 29, 2006
I'm merely asking who is involved in the production of FOS, as it is my feeling that the answer to the question would be instructive for many in the community.
I'll soon be asking this question in another public forum, and I would expect that certain people would provide simple yes or no answers.
That's all. Hardly a conspiracy, just a vote in favor of truth and transparency, which many readers here consistently support.
I hope that's not viewed as some sort of threat. Why would it?
The New Albanian, at 10:47 AM, September 29, 2006
Thanks for the response.
Please remember that I did have a positive comment about Erik. If Erik reprints something accurately and completely, of course it is the truth. I have never said otherwise.
Would you not have a problem completely trusting someone who lies daily? All Erik has to do to shut me up about the lying is remove IT. We, Erik and I, would probably still disagree politically. Disagreeing is one thing, lying is another.
Can I prove it? No. I can cite several pieces of circumstantial evidence though.
1. There are people on this blog who know Erik and they have never stepped up to defend Erik's "occupation". They may defend the blog but not the Poli Sci. I commend those people for their honesty.
2. The biggest reason is to go back over the last several months and read Erik's commentary, not reprints of documents. A college professor lives by the saying "publish or perish". Erik's writing is not the writing of any kind of college professor. My writing stinks too, but then I am not claiming to be a college professor.
3. Gets obvious political facts wrong or backwards.
Iamhoosier, at 1:35 PM, September 29, 2006
I can overlook your solipsistic nature, but I am unable to understand why the sudden curiosity surrounding the author of FOS. I concur with Blogtastic. Perhaps the truth is something you are not ready to face. What enlightenment shall you receive if your quest is fruitful? Will it change the truth that you are struggling to accept? CM Price made an excellent point in his letter to the editor; your perception of the situation will determine the reality you chose to acblishPost=Publier le messagethought; in fact, he is powerless.
In "Kamabara," a lazy
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM, September 29, 2006
I can overlook your solipsistic nature, but I am unable to understand why the sudden curiosity surrounding the author of FOS. I concur with Blogtastic. Perhaps the truth is something you are not ready to face. What enlightenment shall you receive if your quest is fruitful? Will it change the truth that you are struggling to accept? CM Price made an excellent point in his letter to the editor; your perception of the situation will determine the reality you chose to accept.
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM, September 29, 2006
I support Erik and Freedom of Speech.
Go brew some beer.
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM, September 29, 2006
Your whole problem is Anonymous? How many free beers did roger offer you to write those comments.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM, September 29, 2006
You obviously don't know Roger very well. Free beer!?!? He's a pretty good guy, but free beer? He's trustworthy, but free beer? Writes a good a line(or novel), but free beer?
That bud lite is frying your brain cells.
Iamhoosier, at 6:18 PM, September 29, 2006
I bought Bluegill a beer for running the blog in my absence, but he deserved it.
The New Albanian, at 6:42 PM, September 29, 2006
This is not just about Freedom of Speech Blog.Your real problem with FOS is this fight that is directed against what is known as "the public's right to know" in our essential oversight responsibility over our local government as citizens.
As Harry Truman stated: "When even one American - who has done nothing wrong stands up for truth - is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril."
Erik at Freedom of Speech Blog is fighting for democracy and accountability. And standing up to despotism by those in power, and dangerous to those who would expose them.
But this shouldn't be the case here, not in the City of New Albany.
We need the kind of local government Erik proudly defines as, and believes to be, a local government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Our Mayor James Garner is fully aware that making this information public will bring about the many questions of accountability.
And Mr. Baylor he does not want to be held accountable.
And you are against embarrassing revelations and full accountability.
Mayor Garner has committed severe negligence, and continues to shield himself from accountability while gambling with the best interest of each and every taxpayer of New Albany.
Freedom of Speech have the right to demand that our mayor fulfills his elected obligations.
Freedom of Speech is here to ring the wake-up bell and ask us all not to look the other way.
Regardless of what you try to say "freedom of speech blog" will not go away.
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM, September 29, 2006
And Mr. Baylor he does not want to be held accountable.
And you are against embarrassing revelations and full accountability.
And anyone who uses "and" this many times to begin a sentence probably is FOS.
The New Albanian, at 10:27 PM, September 29, 2006
Is it probably or assume.
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM, September 29, 2006
Nah, I agree with the New Albanian -- right on all counts.
FOS is Vicki Denhart; aligned with the other famous wanna be "V".
Eric/Erica and the political science professor is all **.
No, FOS, you have no credibility because you print whatever you "feel" like, depending upon who you are mad at that particular point in time, and there is no discourse with you, unless you bring it to this blog.
If you wish to ignore what EE's wishes are and what her subject matter is, and you keep insisting your blog be brought on here to "titillate" about; it's just not going to happen anymore.
We can choose to expose you "even more"; because of the cause of "dignity", we choose not to.
To have the truth and facts, as you so aptly mentioned, there really has to be a two-sided prong concerning that issue -- not just yours.
Open your blog up -- be the moderator; hey, print what you want. EE doesn't really care at this point in time. We have very important Federal, State and County elections. Please, take it back to yours; become a moderator and print only those people who agree with you and get it off here.
We are ready to expose even more, New Albanian. We, too, are tired and sick of the **.
Thank you for putting the name to the face, and let me tell you; she knows no gracious words -- only retalation and not so truthful info. But, seeing she lives in a glass house, my suggestion and yours should be "if you live in a glass house, you really shouldn't throw rocks."
Take care FOS. No rules to be followed by you; all bets are off with us. Take care now, you hear?
Now, maybe we can get to the current elections and not "her" agenda for who "she" thinks is going to be the save all for New Albany.
Anonymous, at 4:09 AM, September 30, 2006
Since you think Freedom of Speech has an agenda. Maybe Yvonne you can explain to us what your agenda is?
You do know what assume means don't you?
Or do we still call it ground clutter?
Anonymous, at 6:38 AM, September 30, 2006
Anon 6:38 I must agree with you. Why are these people so intent on discovering the identity of the FOS blogmaster?
Anon 4:09 Are you threatening Ms.Denhart? You should be more aware of the issues at hand than worrying about who is FOS. For instance what do you think about Tim Deatrick's appointment as Chairman of the Storm Water Committee?
Anonymous, at 9:06 AM, September 30, 2006
Wait ... someone here agrees with me?
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, but thanks.
The New Albanian, at 10:53 AM, September 30, 2006
Re: Tim Deatrick, that's the only smart move the mayor's made while in office. Tim is knowledgeable, knows his stuff, and will do a great job.
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM, September 30, 2006
I would like to thank myself for that last comment. Someone again will soon be posting my resume' anonymously.
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM, September 30, 2006
Your joking right. Tim the ***kissing perv. I can't wait until 07 when Garner and all his lunatics are out of here. Maybe then we will elect someone who has a lot less greed and a lot more heart, someone who actually gives a damn about the people on NA.
Anonymous, at 1:41 PM, September 30, 2006
Okay. I would definitely not like to thank myself for that last comment.
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM, September 30, 2006
anonymous -
How dare you attack my son! He is a good little boy.
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM, September 30, 2006
I would like to thak my mom for that last commment.
Mom, I will be home soon with the milk and bread if I can find out who swiped my bike!
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM, September 30, 2006
Blogtastic has an article on Tim's new job at his blog N.A. Unrestricted.
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, September 30, 2006
Okay. I would also not like to thank blogtastic for his comments.
Anybody seen my orange crate? It has big orange tassels on the handlebars and some streamers and cards in the spokes.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, September 30, 2006
ha ha ha ha ha toooo funny!
Anonymous, at 10:40 PM, September 30, 2006
To the fake Tim Deatrick: I would avoid impersonating Tim Deatrick if I were you. Your location can be traced, and you will be charged.
Anonymous, at 10:12 AM, October 01, 2006
Tim Deatrick was a friend of mine. Sir, you are no Tim Deatrick.
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM, October 01, 2006
So skeeter man got a board job? Kissin ass sure paid off for you Mr. Skeeter man.
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM, October 01, 2006
Once again, the anonymous character assassination blog dips to its full lack of potential.
The New Albanian, at 6:00 PM, October 01, 2006
Is anyone out there interested in discussing the ISSUES????
This bantering back and forth about who is who and who did what is just too juvenile to address.
This blog is here to discuss the issues that are facing our city and the capabilities (or lack thereof) of those who are in charge.
Anything else is just pure ground clutter.
So please, either keep it on topic or keep it off this blog.
East Ender, at 7:17 PM, October 01, 2006
Oh where, Oh where, did everybody go, Oh where, Oh where can they be?
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM, October 02, 2006
QUESTION---- What is being done to help the people who lost so much during the recent flooding ?
Anonymous, at 9:08 PM, October 02, 2006
Mayor said he wasn't going to ask a "Republican Governor" and it was an "act of God", and any other excuse they still haven't come up with yet....
What else?
The new appointment to the Stormwater Board is going to be another "big black eye" for ya Mayor. We are simply glad he is now "your" nightmare and not "ours". Yeeeeaaaaa.
No credibility left to really discuss, EE. James has shown how much "quality" leadership skills he possesses simply by the people he surrounded himself to do the work. We call that a one-termer in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM, October 02, 2006
Move over James, got a new kid on the block waiting to re-decorate your office!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What will T.T. do?
Anonymous, at 7:24 AM, October 04, 2006
I guess T T will go back to bagging groceries at Kroger
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM, October 04, 2006
I guess all of you won the President's Call to Service Gold Award this year like Tim Deatrick did. You are a pathetic bunch of complainers. I cannot believe that I live in the same town as you losers. When you actually do something other than complain, I'll check back in.
Anonymous, at 10:11 AM, October 04, 2006
thanks, mom!
Anonymous, at 12:19 PM, October 04, 2006
Thanks for shutting down Diggin in the Dirt.
Our future is bright, our endeavors will be accomplished.
King of the Rats
Anonymous, at 2:33 PM, October 04, 2006
When the rats get Broadband, it really is time to consider moving.
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM, October 04, 2006
Peter sheeter on a board? You've got to be kidding.
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, October 04, 2006
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