Looking for Answers
There are a lot of folks in this City who think these questions, originally asked by SdamonS on NAC, are very critical to the situation we find ourselves in right now.
Since they've been left hanging over there, unanswered, for almost a week, we figured we would rescue them for a re-post on SOLNA.
We want to get as much information out there as we can about these issues, and provide as many REAL answers as possible (without the political "spin").
Original Post - Tuesday, Aug. 8th, 2006
At 4:34 PM, SDamonS said...
Who pays the EDIT tax (and who does not)? is this a county or city tax? a summary here and a link to more information about it would be great.
Is it true that by passing a rate increase the loan rate will be lowered? Is this guaranteed in writing? Are there other ways to have the rate lowered? perhaps putting $8.3 million dollars immediately into the sewer fund?
Why doesn't the city work to have the sewers reclassified so they are monitored under the same rules as Clarksville or Jeff? (and why was this agreement made in the first place) ..ie as a 'combined system' and not a 'separated system'. That would at least give some more time to come up with a better solution for getting the money that is needed.
You have screamed and threatened to sue Roger for "lifting" posts from your blog. Can we assume that you asked for permission to "lift" from his?
Or is this another example of the double standards played out daily here?
Iamhoosier, at 9:27 AM, August 15, 2006
so let's understand something here, most of the questions were answered to the best of people's ability, not just ignored or made-up answered.
For anyone who cares to actually have ALL the information. here is the link.
Anonymous, at 9:34 AM, August 15, 2006
No, she didn't ask. But that's okay. It just brings more readers to the only blog that really matters.
The New Albanian, at 10:18 AM, August 15, 2006
Aw, the blog that matters today would be NEWALBANYTODAY, Maury Goldberg's. An explanation of some of the missing sewer monies is being reported on, with more to come.
Aw, why couldn't you answer the questions? Were you simply making up the whole scenario (which is what I thought in the beginning) as a way to educate yourselves without having to actually go and do the work at the City-County Bldg? Maybe you couldn't get the answers you wanted from the City-County Building?
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM, August 15, 2006
wow isn't that amazing, none of the braniacs over here are jumping forward with answers.
Hmm could it be that some stuff we just don't have the information for? Oh! Darn that's right, we're not the professionals here.
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM, August 15, 2006
Isn't it funny the very people putting this blog down and saying "theirs" is the blog are the very people posting on here.
Your frustration is coming through, loud and clear. So is ours.
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, August 15, 2006
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Anonymous, at 4:21 PM, August 15, 2006
now that is just crossing the line.
Last time i checked "adult entertainment" was not illegal.
Rape is.
You people are sick, and pathetic and grasping at straws.
I bet we'd love to know what your secret skeletons are!
Anonymous, at 4:25 PM, August 15, 2006
"They" don't care. "Their" job is to block, distract and detract from the issues being addressed.
This has been proven by the posting and the responses the PP's and the Mayor's blog have posted on here, and elsewhere.
What else can they do?
Sewer Board was at 3:30 pm today.
Budget Hearing tonight in the "little bitty Conference room" across from the City Council Room. Please be aware there is another $270,000 of EDIT that is missing from the Council's budget sheets they will have in front of them.
Please mark your calendars for the RATE HEARING, scheduled for August 23rd. This is probably going to be the most important meeting where ratepayers can make their voices known.
Meeting for tomorrow night on sewers has been cancelled until Thursday night's Council meeting.
All of us better grab our wallets and hang on tight.
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, August 15, 2006
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Anonymous, at 5:42 PM, August 15, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:51 PM, August 15, 2006
iamhoosier -
How about I use the the same logic the mayor uses?
Since you seem to have no problem with his way of explaining away the things HE does:
"Well, they did it first!"
Doesn't that make it all OK?
East Ender, at 8:48 PM, August 15, 2006
What's NOT OK is the personal attacks and ugly accusations that we have had to remove.
It never ceases to amaze me how low down some people will get when it comes to trying to discredit folks with differing opinions.
All this is about POLITICS!
This is NOT about personal vendettas against people who might disagree with one another.
Knowing this behavior is coming from the very ones who profess to be, "educated, intelligent, creative and of the upper classes", is the most damning insight into how far they will go to try to squash the opposition to their plans and propaganda.
The targets of such nasty comments help to reveal the identities of the perpetrators.
East Ender, at 9:07 PM, August 15, 2006
Have you cut a deal with Maury? Him council and you for mayor?
Call I-900 MAURY
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM, August 15, 2006
You just don't get it, Laura. The vicious attacks are from your own, and always have been. Yet you're always there to deflect the blame. You're biased, completely.
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, August 15, 2006
good job mayor kersey
Anonymous, at 11:31 PM, August 15, 2006
See how they can not deal with the issues? Sums it up so well...shows just how far over their heads we are and they just can't stand it, can you?
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM, August 16, 2006
Don't forget we found Home Depot not paying their share of EDIT and had to notify the State about that one. Who knows?
Anonymous, at 2:23 AM, August 16, 2006
Wouldn't it be great if the actual mayor had even half the understanding of what's going on with the sewers and the monies as do two private citizens who have cared enough to pay attention!?
At any rate it should be noted that Ms. Kersey has not announced any plans to run for any office in this city (if she does, she has a blog of her own where you folks can take the political talk).
Still, some people insist on playing politics with the issues. Usually because they don't KNOW enough about the issues to engage in reasonable dialouge about why things have gone so terribly awry.
Mayors come and go, but people who truly care about this community and the folks who pay taxes here will never go away. So, mayors, get used to it... there's gonna be a LOT more questions to come!
We want to thank the New Albany Potty Police (NAPP) for all their diligence over the years and their continued hard work in bringing REAL information to the people.
Thanks to Maury as well for coming through with some crucial information about the monies that were appropriated.
It's very important for everyone to be working together for the information necessary to get fixed what is wrong.
We're lifting the first Potty Police report to the front page as a posting and folks can bring all the information together there.
We're making progress.
East Ender, at 2:47 AM, August 16, 2006
Wrong person right street, how about your neighbor.
3 strikes and your out.
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM, August 16, 2006
potty police need a new hobby besides spreading false information and calling in the EPA to waste taxpayers money and their time, have you thought about sewing instead od sewers?
Anonymous, at 7:28 AM, August 16, 2006
So, are you saying that you are no better than the mayor? Interesting answer to my query.
Iamhoosier, at 8:39 AM, August 16, 2006
There is an excellent article on FOS. They make a good point. Ms. Badger is trying to enforce the codes but without help from the City Attorney her hands are basically tied. Must be really frustrating.
Anonymous, at 8:40 AM, August 16, 2006
"We're making progress."
Which makes you a progressive. right? Just like the "ham" in hamburger, I guess.
Anonymous, at 11:26 AM, August 16, 2006
To potty--
The way you lose revenue is not collecting over 500,000 dollars in owed bills,just in one year. How are people going to accept a rate increase, or shifting money when they know that from 2004 through today there is easily over one million dollars in uncollected bills.
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM, August 16, 2006
To potty--
The way you lose revenue is not collecting over 500,000 dollars in owed bills,just in one year. How are people going to accept a rate increase, or shifting money when they know that from 2004 through today there is easily over one million dollars in uncollected bills.
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM, August 16, 2006
Read all about it. Steve Price responded to Tucker's editorial in today's Trib.
Great job Steve!
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM, August 16, 2006
I trust some upstanding person on this blog is now going to take back their words of insistance that the tribune would not print Price's letter since it only printed what Jimmy wanted. That is soon to follow, right?
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM, August 16, 2006
Iamhoosier, at 2:52 PM, August 16, 2006
that would be "erik" that has to recant it's statement, and given past experiences and even postings on it's site, it doesn't respond to any form of communication.
Anonymous, at 3:48 PM, August 16, 2006
Of course he printed Steve Price's letter. Do you think he really had a choice since it was first seen on FOS?
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM, August 16, 2006
At least now we know, that by not retracting his comment, that Price is an insensitive cretin.
"Great job Steve."
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, August 16, 2006
But boy, hasn't Erika proved useful to some folks hereabouts?
Wonder if she realizes she's being used.
The New Albanian, at 5:14 PM, August 16, 2006
We owe Valla Ann a great big thank you for exposing the unpaid sewer bills. Now's that mayor material.
Great job Valla Ann
Anonymous, at 6:55 PM, August 16, 2006
I think FOS said "do you have the guts to print this letter?"
Glad FOS put the pressure on Tucker.
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM, August 16, 2006
Didn't Valla Ann say $3.5 million dollars uncollected sewer bills?
Why should our sewer bills go up when they refuse to collect those unpaid sewer bills?
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM, August 16, 2006
What happened, PP's? Did you get your blog "press credentials" challenged or taken away? Unbelievable.
Here is some more information, and Maury Goldberg will be providing the back-up documentation on same shortly.
It took awhile as we were being told a couple of different stories, but stories have now been worked out. Yes, Keith Henderson did do what he had to do, but somehow it didn't get done. Go figure.
The issue that HAD TO BE DETERMINED was whether the City was giving Umbaugh the wrong financial information, or was Umbaugh providing the Council with the wrong information. All we can say is the information is wrong. We have now determined Barnes-Thornburg received their information FROM THE CITY, thus this is why the financials for EDIT are screwed up.
1997 ORDINANCE G97-189 Page 2
Refunding Bonds of 1991 and 1993
(iii) "all of the EDIT Bonds to eliminate the pledge of the City's distributive share of the Economic Development Income Tax of Floyd County to the EDIT bonds which, will in turn:
(a) allow the City to fund aditional sewer repairs WITHIN the City
1993 Economic Development Income Tax Bonds
1994 Econimic Development Income Tax Bonds
1995 Econimic Development Income Tax Bonds
On November 8, 2002, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates report for the proposed Scribner Place Project only shows ONE $270,000 per year for Sewage Works Bonds for 2003-2009. This appears to be INCORRECT.
December 19, 2002 City Council Minutes, Page 5
1. The Common Council does hereby pledge an annual appropriation of $270,000 from the EDIT Fund for the purpose of annual maintenance and repair costs for the sewage works system as defined in the agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
2. The annual EDIT Fund pledge of $270,000 SHALL BE IN ADDITION to the $180,000 set aside from EDIT under the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
Resolution R-02-51 passed with a show of hands. Councilman Goldberg voted nay. Ordinance, once approved, became G 02-51.
G-02-17 Page 3, Paragraph 1
"WHEREAS, the Bonds will constitute a first charge against the NET REVENUES OF THE SEWER SYSTEM (you know those revenues that are "missing").
Page 5, Paragraph 1
(a) "Barnes and Thornburg, bond counsel to the City
page 6, Paragraph 2.
(c) "The Bonds will be payable SOLELY out of and constitute a first charge against the NET REVENUES OF THE SYSTEM.
Report for proposed Scribner Place Project
For expenditures from EDIT, once again there is only one $270,000 amount from 2006 to 2021. This appears to be incorrect. G 02-01 became G02-17.
Sorry to bore ya all, I know, it's just money.
Anonymous, at 9:43 PM, August 16, 2006
P.S. Even on the current budget sheets, they are only showing one $270,000 expenditure from EDIT for Sewers. IT HAS GOT TO SHOW TWO OF THEM, for pete's sake.
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM, August 16, 2006
Roger needs to get a life and leave my Councilman alone. I suggest you run against him if you think you can do a better job.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM, August 17, 2006
A life? It continues to be my preference that Mr. Price "get a clue," as he's my councilman, too.
If he might display the slightest aptitude toward the modern world, it could lead to good things, and we all would be ready to work with him.
But, sadly, he won't -- or perhaps can't -- get a grip om the future direction of America. His election was an accident triggered by the divisiveness of the Tom Zoeller syndrome, and come next spring, there'll be an opportunity to correct the error.
As for the opposition candidate, only the shadow apparently knows, but one thing's certain: If Price's ilk is the best the local Democratic Party can do, there's little hope for it in a changing world, and bad days are on the horizon.
The New Albanian, at 10:31 AM, August 19, 2006
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