Monday nights council meeting was nothing short of another meltdown for New Ablany's City Council. Passing a proposed rate increase through a first reading "ONLY" gives Garner and Fifer another foot in the door that should have slammed shut a long time ago.
We are in the process of gathering thoughts and opinions, as well as data, from several sources and officials to include in our full posting for Thursday afternoon.
Meanwhile, continue to check the other blogs for relevant discussions and well-posed questions.
There is so much WRONG with the way things are unfolding, that we are having a hard time bringing the information into a shorter version of what could be an entire book about mis-management and incompetance.
So, please be patient as we sort through all sources and all words to get to the real issues at hand.
At the risk of being flamed into oblivion, my take is not that we don't know where the money is, but that we know it's been spent on other departments and not paid back yet. Also bad, but at least a little less of an Encyclopedia Brown mystery.
(Anybody remember those books as a kid? Good times.)
Anonymous, at 1:27 PM, August 10, 2006
You're right for the most part.
There is $5.3 million that has been taken out of the sewer funds to pay for things in other departments AS LOANS!
That money is supposed to come back into the sewer fund money.
The problem is that they continue to dismiss the mis-spent money as money that's just gone and now it must be replaced.
This doesn't fly with the rate payers.
If this money had not been taken from the sewers in the first place, where would we now stand in terms of "shortfalls"?
They MUST be forced to replace the money before they make any arguments for rate increases.
East Ender, at 3:55 PM, August 10, 2006
The nitty gritty, as I see it.
$5 mil was borrowed from the sewers. It has not been paid back due to negligence, bad luck, incompetence, theft, etc.
It is not like the money to pay this back is really coming from some tooth fairy. It is all our money. Jeff has shown the greater return to citizens of New Albany.
Yes, it should have been budgeted somewhere down the line to pay back. It wasn't. Probably should never have been borrowed from the sewer's to begin with. OK
The borrowed money was handled wrong. Jeff has shown how it would be a worse return for us for us use that "refund" for a small rate reduction, therefore a wrong use of the money.
Nitty, gritty--two wrongs don't make a right.
Iamhoosier, at 12:01 PM, August 11, 2006
You are assuming it was borrowed. I assume that it was spent on sewer projects---but on ones not related to the epa mandates--like sewer expansion into the county to satisfy the needs of future development.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM, August 11, 2006
I'd like to hear what blogtastic has to say! Gillenwater has no clue to what is going on!
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM, August 11, 2006
Anon 5:33,
Why don't you tell us your thoughts or does blogtastic also tell you when to eat, when to sleep, how high to jump, etc.
Iamhoosier, at 6:03 PM, August 11, 2006
Isn't it a strange feeling? Everyone, I think, can feel something is going to happen, just don't know when.
Where is the press coverage from our local blog with the press credentials of what happened in Indy with the SRF people?
We know the CJ's reporter has been on 2 week vacation. In most cases, no news is good news but I have a feeling that may not be the case here.
Any day now.
Anonymous, at 10:51 AM, August 12, 2006
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