NAPP Report
Here is the main posting we promised to bring up from the comments section.
We will also bring the follow-up reports and comments into the comments of this posting in order to keep everything together.
Our only hope is to get as much of the REAL information out to as many of the general citizens as we can and let them decide for themselves what to make out of the whole mess, and who seems to be part and parcel of it all.
It remains to be seen how our elected officials will handle all this information.
New Albany Potty Police Member said...
We have posted the following on New Albany Today's Blog as a thank you to Maury.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In the past Maury, whenever bonds and other rates issues arose, you and another were the ones which asked the "right" questions. Because you and the other Council member always asked the correct questions from different financial consultants, we have always felt like you had a grasp on the money situation.
We have now researched and found the other documents needed for further analysis.
When we told Mayor Garner these monies seemed to be missing, he asked us to give him a two month time-frame in order for him to check with the Attorney who was in charge at the time, Keith Henderson, and see if he had done what he needed to do. The Mayor then told us the Attorney had done what he needed to do, but couldn't explain where the monies were and shrugged when asked how he was going to pay it back.
We can't deal with a shrug, Maury.
Thank you, again."
Now, tonight at the Budget Hearings, the other $270,000.00 pledged is still not reflected on their budget sheets nor was it brought up in the meeting. There is one more meeting where we hope we can resolve at least getting the money NOW starting to go the right direction; seems to be difficult because that EDIT seems to be pledged out, and there's fines for not using it correctly and it is just one big can of worms.
We were told at the Sewer Board today that the citizen who spoke at a City Council meeting about EMC still owing the City (US) for the truck ordered and not authorized HAS NOT YET been paid. We had been told it was...but the citizen was correct in that it had not. EMC was given until the next meeting to come up with a check.
Even though they put a collar on the manhole out at Meiers, evidently it didn't work, because they went back out and put a 20 foot high collar and said that seems to be holding. Of course, we haven't had any rain to prove that piece of information, yet.
Because of the overflows in mini-Basin 35, developments by certain developers are being told the lines can't handle the new development already authorized to come in. We maintain the "magic pen" was passed around in the sewer board and the developer was told this line could handle the sewage, but alas... Now Clark Dietz, OUR Engineer is doing studies for that area, number one is suppoose to be to see how to clear up the problems there. We do not feel their job is to see what is to be done so these developers can add more on top of us. We are tired of paying for the Developers. We want an impact fee. We pay 5-1 just to get one sewer credit and the Developer is paying a 1-1. We're tiiirrreeed.
Now you have told us Meiers somehow didn't get a bill; nor did Applebees; nor did some car wash out that way; we're truly interested in whether Beef O'Grady's did. We would find it hard to imagine one of the co-owners, John Kraft, wouldn't have been aware he wasn't getting a sewer bill.
There is no documentation of lines being laid under the Overton administration. EMC was also instructed to get together with Clark-Dietz and Donohue and come up with a "certified" document as to same. Seems the EPA investigator may have talked with Mr. Solomon, who has nothing but OUR RESPECT (and Mr. Utz).
They still can't figure out with Jennys Lane is still having SSO's.
Not sure on that spelling...please forgive.
A new SSO popped up on Charlestown Road, we think out by St. Joe's, which is impacting a development on the shelf.
Now, with Umbaugh's 2004 figures showing the $270,000 for the Bonds, along with their $270,000 figures from 2002 showing the pledges of EDIT to the inner-city, we may be able to get these monies back where they belong -- in the sewers.
There's more...we were well'ed on what happened at the State meeting on the SRF monies -- well, if the Council does this, well, blah, blah, blah.
We simply wish people, well it seems to only be certain people, would realize these EDIT moneys have to be returned and repaid and put in the fund where they need to go. We do not need a rate increase because of their incompetency. We simply need to fix the inner-city sewers with the original EDIT funds which were pledged in 1997 and 2002 and more in 2004, then you can build your field of dreams. Unfortunately, this has been on the burner a lot longer than the Y or Scribner. It's definitely not our fault; we are waiting for the EPA to lay the blame.
And, please, ratepayers, please don't forget the past 2 (TWO) years in lost revenue. HOW IN THE HEY DO YOU LOSE TWO YEARS WORTH OF REVENUE, and you really want us to pay for that TOO? Come on.
Mayor Garner, we can only say this to you, personally. It's not an attack, simply a dialogue.
Do you remember the sewer board meeting when we asked you if you were aware you could go to jail over this whole blankety thing? Do you remember your reaction? You threw your hands up in the air, put your head down on the desk, and then looked at us and told us you didn't sign up for that. Then, Fifer came into the room. When you asked Fifer "do you know what so and so just said to me...", are you aware that Fifer didn't tell you we were wrong. He WELL'ED you. You didn't notice, and we are sorry. We did notice.
Again, thank you Mr. Solomon and Mr. Utz for your work and diligence and honesty.
There is so much more, but I'm out of breath. One thing about blogs, it's bring back writing. However you may write. A lot of articles have appeared where people "just don't write letters" anymore. This is a blessing in disguise.
Disperse the information with a push of a button. So, here goes...
10:43 PM, August 15, 2006
New Albany Potty Police Member said...
The collars on Schuler/Meijer manhole was: first, two 6 inch collars =
12 inches --then an SSO occurred; so next came two 4 inch collars which
then equal a total of 20 inches (not feet). This is the line Ruckman
wants to put his new development on, but I understand Clark-Dietz
says--can't take it. Ruckman was to pay for that Clark-Dietz study-not
sure if he did because the city needed the line evaluated for the Basin
35 fix (SSO at Schuler/Meijer).
I understand the main certified documents Solomon wanted was for the SSO at the "old" Charlestown Rd lift station (Colonial Club) and at the 15th Street/Railroad problem area (the cause of White Castle problem and included Indiana-American Water Co.?).
Janie Lane at the creek (off Green Valley down from Green Valley
Nursing Home). Also K & E said they were told the wrong manhole (so I wonder - how long did they go to the wrong manhole)? Have we continued to have SSOs there and didn't report them?
EDIT is reported and paid on our annual Indiana Income Tax form. I
wonder - if people don't know about EDIT being on tax forms, have they all reported it? Could we be missing out on tax money? Surely the state would "catch" the mistake. Guess it could be a case of fill out the forms and not understanding what they mean -- or give it to the tax man to figure out and not reading/understanding the forms they sign.
Further meeting minutes and answers to some, not all.
1:33 AM, August 16, 2006
Anonymous, at 1:05 AM, August 17, 2006
IT IS JUST OUR $$$$$$$$$$$ said...
What happened, PP's? Did you get your blog "press credentials" challenged or taken away? Unbelievable.
Here is some more information, and Maury Goldberg will be providing the back-up documentation on same shortly.
It took awhile as we were being told a couple of different stories, but stories have now been worked out. Yes, Keith Henderson did do what he had to do, but somehow it didn't get done. Go figure.
The issue that HAD TO BE DETERMINED was whether the City was giving Umbaugh the wrong financial information, or was Umbaugh providing the Council with the wrong information. All we can say is the information is wrong. We have now determined Barnes-Thornburg received their information FROM THE CITY, thus this is why the financials for EDIT are screwed up.
1997 ORDINANCE G97-189 Page 2
Refunding Bonds of 1991 and 1993
(iii) "all of the EDIT Bonds to eliminate the pledge of the City's distributive share of the Economic Development Income Tax of Floyd County to the EDIT bonds which, will in turn:
(a) allow the City to fund aditional sewer repairs WITHIN the City
1993 Economic Development Income Tax Bonds
1994 Econimic Development Income Tax Bonds
1995 Econimic Development Income Tax Bonds
On November 8, 2002, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates report for the proposed Scribner Place Project only shows ONE $270,000 per year for Sewage Works Bonds for 2003-2009. This appears to be INCORRECT.
December 19, 2002 City Council Minutes, Page 5
1. The Common Council does hereby pledge an annual appropriation of $270,000 from the EDIT Fund for the purpose of annual maintenance and repair costs for the sewage works system as defined in the agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
2. The annual EDIT Fund pledge of $270,000 SHALL BE IN ADDITION to the $180,000 set aside from EDIT under the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
Resolution R-02-51 passed with a show of hands. Councilman Goldberg voted nay. Ordinance, once approved, became G 02-51.
G-02-17 Page 3, Paragraph 1
"WHEREAS, the Bonds will constitute a first charge against the NET REVENUES OF THE SEWER SYSTEM (you know those revenues that are "missing").
Page 5, Paragraph 1
(a) "Barnes and Thornburg, bond counsel to the City
page 6, Paragraph 2.
(c) "The Bonds will be payable SOLELY out of and constitute a first charge against the NET REVENUES OF THE SYSTEM.
Report for proposed Scribner Place Project
For expenditures from EDIT, once again there is only one $270,000 amount from 2006 to 2021. This appears to be incorrect. G 02-01 became G02-17.
Sorry to bore ya all, I know, it's just money.
9:43 PM, August 16, 2006
Anonymous, at 1:13 AM, August 17, 2006
Check out FOS. They have ALL of the facts about the Gregory bros. properties.
Anonymous, at 10:35 AM, August 17, 2006
I had originally posted this information about Mr. Gregory on on the Problematic Properties map.
I'm looking for other submissions, as I know I don't have anywhere near a complete list. The properties on there are just what I grabbed from the notice stapled to the property across the street from me.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
You can email all properties that should be listed to, and if you can provide the property owner, that would save me some time.
TSOLfan, at 11:15 AM, August 17, 2006
Just a reminder that there will be a special meeting tonight BEFORE the start of the Council session.
At 6:30PM the Sewer financials will be discussed among Council Members and City officials.
A whole lot of interesting information could be forthcoming during this meeting.
IF, and that's a big IF, the right questions are asked.
East Ender, at 2:06 PM, August 17, 2006
You need to read Freedom of Speech all of his properties are listed. Seems like the other blogs know what to do with information.
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM, August 17, 2006
Only one little problem w/ all FOS's article, and I hope it turns out ok. Gregory came before the sewer board to ask for a tap-in and he was denied the tap-in until he paid his bills. We were told he did. We can't prove he did, but they said he did and he got his tap-in. Thought you would want to know.
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM, August 17, 2006
Anonymous, at 9:59 PM, August 17, 2006
We all know about gregory. Never under estimate us Ceece.
Anonymous, at 10:02 PM, August 17, 2006
Thank god all the calls on Al Goodman's behalf didn't work. geez louise did you learn something?
Anonymous, at 10:03 PM, August 17, 2006
Your first example of not caring about the taxpayers or that remark would not have been made.
It deserves no answer, but like you were told, don't let it go to your head.
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM, August 17, 2006
Let's see how long it takes to get CJ reporter Matt Batchheldor in the Mayor's pocket?
Any bets on this one?
Anonymous, at 6:47 AM, August 18, 2006
Funny you should mention the new C-J reporter, seeing as the previous one had a direct line to the Gang of Four.
Why not avoid the Christmas rush, pool your nickels and dimes, and buy him first?
Otherwise, you'll be "dropping the ball."
The New Albanian, at 8:00 AM, August 18, 2006
CM Seabrook said it first last night: The Sewer Board is NOT paying ANY claims because one of the engineers (Mr. Soloman) will not allow Sewer Board claims to be paid due to the lack of a financial report.
How is it that they were able to put five different versions of the financials for the sewers in front of Council Members last night when they do not know what the financials are?
Otherwisde, they would be paying the claims that are waiting.
East Ender, at 4:45 PM, August 18, 2006
It worries me that neither Kay Garry nor Teresa Plaiss can locate the $3.3MIL from the county.
We cannot move forward with a plan to finance our sewer system until these funds are found.
Instead of everybody forming cliques we need to work together, all citizens in all areas of the city. Our good ole high school days are long gone folks.
Anonymous, at 11:01 AM, August 19, 2006
How to achieve your goal or togetherness? Any suggestions from (relatively speaking) your side of the aisle?
How do we eliminate the aisle?
The New Albanian, at 12:48 PM, August 19, 2006
I agree with your assessment regarding hopes for more collaborative efforts among citizens.
We can dream 'eh?..........
What we are witnessing now, among the top administrative folks and lots of attorneys, is a scramble to spit out excuses about missing monies and funding shortfalls.
There is about to be another round of "Money Shuffle" if our elected representatives don't step up and stop it.
If they don't, can we?
(We'll let you all know exactly how that works later)
With the mayor and attorneys and accountants all doing the "I dunno" dance about the money while asking for MORE money, it's likely that the whole matter will simply implode on itself.
When asked directly about the bond money, Teresa Plaiss responded she is just waiting for the County to cut the check.
East Ender, at 4:23 AM, August 20, 2006
I know my wish for a more collaborative effort among all citizens is just a pipe dream. After all this is part of politics whether we like it or not.
But regardless of what you think of the people in power at the moment, we all have a common goal, a better New Albany.
I just hope before tempers flare, mine included, we all think for a moment and maybe take the high road.
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM, August 20, 2006
"I just hope before tempers flare, mine included, we all think for a moment and maybe take the high road."
I agree with you 100% on this statement. But to echo Roger's question, how do we get past the egos to focus on the issues at hand? How do we eliminate the aisle?
Highwayman, at 1:09 PM, August 20, 2006
Egooooo's my ass. If any of us put on this blog the truth. Then it doesn't matter what evidence we put om here. Mr. Baylor will not admit that it's the truth. James Garner is a one-termer.I assume you know what that is. Because some of us do support Valla Ann THEN certain people jump on and attack her. So if you want to support Mayor Garner this is your right. And hell highwayman you can even write in "bozo the clown" if you like. Since most of us on this blog are aware of the mismanagement and everything else the Mayor is doing. No checks and balances. No answers and etc... Then certain so called groups call us morons, idiots and they also attack the little people. We All have a right unless something has changed since this morning.
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM, August 20, 2006
Anon 4:43,
Thank you for answering my question. You make it clear that we have no chance of getting those egos because you and others like you can't get past the past!!
To stand there with a water hose in your hand arguing over who started the fire while the house is burning is as moronic as it gets!
Furthermore, those of you who insist on standing in water on top of a downed powerline only to prove the point that you have the right to do it, deserve to get electrocuted! You will have exercised your right to be stupid!
You do not, however, have the right to reach out and pull me into that water with you!
Highwayman, at 7:11 PM, August 20, 2006
Grammatical error on my part "...we have no chance of getting PAST those egos..."
Highwayman, at 9:38 PM, August 20, 2006
in response to FOS I am offering a $100 reward for proof of Erik's PhD
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM, August 21, 2006
To the Highwayman,
I don't really understand your response to Anon. 4:43
You said he/she can't get over the past but this person was referring to the PRESENT Administration. Are you saying if the Mayor makes a mistake one day it is in the past by the next day and no one has a right to criticize him? That doesn't make any sense.
The way I understood the comment was that this person chooses to support another candidate than the current Mayor and is attacked for their choice. Why is this considered an "ego" problem?
I know we will never all agree on everything but what I dislike is the constant name calling, like Anon. mentioned being called an idiot or a moron just because of their political stand on certain issues or their choice of candidates.
With all due respect, I think a person who considers others beneath them in intelligence has an ego problem. Before you go off the deep end, I was not referring to you or anyone in particular. There are a lot of people in this town who think they are better than others.
Anonymous, at 12:45 PM, August 21, 2006
Wonder if there was any secret meetings today? Did the budget pass without a hearing and has New Albany borrowed some money. Let the cards fall where they may!
Anonymous, at 11:54 PM, August 21, 2006
Good points Shirley.
Highwayman, I must agree with Shirley's assessment of the previous commentors words. I don't see how you got an "ego" problem out of what was said.
It sounds to me like someone who has pointed out the problems that Roger has with HIS ego, and THAT is perhaps the greatest reason we as common citizens could never come together and work in tandem.
Yes, whoever it is they do sound angry, I'll give you that.
But, anger over the ineptitude of Garner is not the same thing as an ego problem.
Meanwhile, you called the commentor "moronic" and "stupid", evidently for having a differing point of view, "just to prove the point that [they] have the right to".
Can you tell us why you find the need to berate and how you can attempt to belittle, and then question the anger?
So, is this really about "egos", or might it be more about respect/ As in, respecting other people's opinions.
East Ender, at 4:57 AM, August 22, 2006
Thank you Laura
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM, August 22, 2006
It strikes me as odd that for someone who spends so much time obsessing over the performance of the Mayor, that it's my ego standing in the way of unity.
Now, bearing in mind that I write what I think in a blog and have no intention of ceasing, it's no problem to me if I never attend another meeting or forum -- if you really think that there's some sort of magic dust clinging to me that makes such gatherings fruitless.
That's a promise. I promise not to attend the the upcoming August 31 meeting -- so long as Laura, Shirley and "Erik" promise to attend.
Fair enough?
The New Albanian, at 11:07 AM, August 22, 2006
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