Progressives and the "little people"
You know, I have to agree with the progressive's point about the term "little people". It has a degrading connotation to it, and it should be changed into something more suitable. Suggestions everyone. Think of how you want to be perceived, and give yourselves a dignified name.
Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? With everything that's going on, let's worry about what the labels are. There are only 2 labels that really count around New Albany anymore, the powerful, and the powerless.
Right down economic lines too. May as well be the rich and the poor. Or better yet, the labels that say it best, the "haves" and the "have-nots".
If there is one MAJOR problem in this little town, it's the fact that there is too much power in the hands of too few people. How many Boards, and Commissions, and Councils, can any one person serve? How many salaries can one earn? How many cars are we paying for?
I understand some Council Members are sitting on 8 or 9 different committees. Is this even within the legal boundaries? If it is, it should't be. This can only lead to temptations of corruption, flirting with abuse of power, and killing the Democracy that we are all supposed to be living in. Enough with the political favoritisms and deals done behind closed doors.
I've walked those hallways at City Council meetings for a reason. You would be surprised how much you hear out there. But, the main show has gotten to be such a mockery of a true political process, as it should that represents the people, that I can hardly bear to go anymore. Many have imploded into shouting matches between Council Members.
It's as unprofessional as it can be without bordering on Soap Oopera drama, and as worthless as the time I could be spending watching something much more entertaining, and not quite as scary, on HBO. Very different from the way the County Councils are presided over.
The deals are done before they take their seats, but all they know about what each other is doing, or saying, is what they've read in our little piece of a local newspaper, and the minor attention we receive in the Louisville Metro newspaper. But noboddy's talking to anybody else.
New Albany is full of people who are very different from one another. Some areas flourish, others are left to deteriorate. Often depends on your councilman's worth. Can't be based on real need. It's a selective, calculated move in everything that gets done through the "system" we've got going on here right now. "All depends on who 'ya know!" Familiar? Sadly, yes.
New Albany is a very small town, one where most folks know most of the other folks. One where most people know all the streets. And still, we are divided.
We continue to divide ourselves with opinions and labels. So, what's to be done now?
The administration continues to dole out positions to people already on the "inside", leaving the circle of Power among a very small group. This leads to questions of propriety.
So, one must decide to try to get on the best side of that Power structure, or one fights against it. I am appalled at some of the insensitive things I've seen written about the Sanitation workers jobs. It is not what I expected out of what I always thought was a close knit community.